Welcome to Margie & Stan's Japan Adventure - our photo blog while living on MCAS Iwakuni in beautiful Yamaguchi Prefecture in Western Japan from 8/2004 to present. My photo above is the famous Kintai Bridge right here in Iwakuni. Be sure to check out Blog Archive (below left) for highlights of our travels. And leave us a comment - we'd love to hear from you! Click on photos to enlarge.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Stan holds up the map that shows the route of our lunch cruise today. What a great idea, Stan!

Ah - our first course has arrived and it looks and smells delicious! Left top is a small slice of pressed pork loaf; center is a small glass snifter holding a few slices of rare beef with roquefort dressing; right is ginger chicken with a couple of potato fries and turnip chunks, and garnished with one thin, crispy slice of fried lotus; bottom left are two baby squids with veggie chunks; in the bottom center are salad greens with raw tai (red snapper) and a cup of (I think) asparagus soup on the bottom right. This is enough to be a meal for me, but I suspect there's more coming. I can smell something delicious being cooked nearby. The small silver tureen holds softened butter for the crunchy french bread slices.

Closer view of the baby squids with veggies. They were tender and delicious in a yummy sauce. (Don't yuck them if you haven't tried them ! ! ! )

Announcements were made (we're guessing) concerning scenery outside, meal service & time schedule. Our staff seemed concerned that they could not speak English for us, but it didn't bother us at all. We could speak & understand enough to get by and thoroughly enjoy ourselves!

Other ships outside our window while we dine.

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