Welcome to Margie & Stan's Japan Adventure - our photo blog while living on MCAS Iwakuni in beautiful Yamaguchi Prefecture in Western Japan from 8/2004 to present. My photo above is the famous Kintai Bridge right here in Iwakuni. Be sure to check out Blog Archive (below left) for highlights of our travels. And leave us a comment - we'd love to hear from you! Click on photos to enlarge.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

On the stationary bike, although Tavie enjoyed it much more than I did!

Aug 16 was my 3-week post-op checkup and Dr Bramlett was very pleased with my progress. My flexion was 90 degrees, aiming for 110. I told Dr Bramlett that I’m very impatient and wanted to make faster progress, so he sent me downstairs to start physical therapy in his rehab, a large, beautiful room in the lower level of the clinic with every kind of modern equipment. I told my therapist that I wanted to come every day since I would only be in the US until the end of September, and I had to be able to ride my bicycle by the time I returned to Japan. So began a grueling, but productive schedule. I had one week off when I was “forced” to accompany Holly and Michael to Gulf Shores for a week (8/23-30), but otherwise I was working hard. Even in GS, I was in the pool a couple of hours each day working out. I only made it to Lakeshore a couple of times during my recovery, but with PT every day, I was really too tired to also do the water aerobics class. I did manage to have a delicious lunch and nice visit with Irene one day. I was walking, but rather stiff-legged, so I had to constantly remind myself to bend my right knee. I was surprised that my knee “forgot” how to bend . . .

I'm healing nicely, but still wearing the surgical stockings. That was a long, hot 4 weeks!

The following weekend, the Crowls were in Birmingham for Heather’s 20th HS reunion, and Sue and I babysat for Kelly and Cody. (see pics elsewhere) What fun! Of course, there was no way I could have done it alone, but as always, Sue was eager to help! On Sunday, they all came to church so everyone could see those beautiful children. Then they continued on to Nashville to visit with Larry and family. Keep going to continue this story - click "older posts" below right.

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