Welcome to Margie & Stan's Japan Adventure - our photo blog while living on MCAS Iwakuni in beautiful Yamaguchi Prefecture in Western Japan from 8/2004 to present. My photo above is the famous Kintai Bridge right here in Iwakuni. Be sure to check out Blog Archive (below left) for highlights of our travels. And leave us a comment - we'd love to hear from you! Click on photos to enlarge.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

A few days later, I decided I should probably have someone check the small breast lump that I had been feeling for a couple of months, so I went to Holly’s doctor, who referred me to a surgeon. He did an ultrasound and said we could watch it for a while or go ahead and perform a biopsy. I opted for the proactive approach and scheduled a surgical biopsy two weeks before I was due to return to Japan. I began to feel somewhat like my 60-year Warranty had expired . . .

Sept 6 was my 6-week post-op checkup and I was released by Dr Bramlett, although I continued PT until time to leave for Japan. I was completely off the cane by now and walking quite well on my own. I still tired easily, but I felt stronger and more energetic every day. At this point, I still could not imagine doing this again next year for my left knee. Maybe in a couple of years? All I could think about was what I would do if I had breast cancer . . . how would I proceed? And when would I get to return to Japan?

So, Friday Sept 7th I returned to Brookwood and it felt like "deja vu all over again" - returning to pre-admit and pre-op. Dr Shumate decided to go ahead and remove the entire lump since it was small, and I totally agreed. Fortunately, the lump was small and right under the skin, so I didn’t have any discomfort after surgery and a very small incision. After a few nerve-wracking days, on 9/12, I received THE call that it was benign – Thank you, thank you, thank you God! PLEASE CLICK ON "OLDER POST" BELOW TO CONTINUE WITH MY TKR STORY . . .

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