Welcome to Margie & Stan's Japan Adventure - our photo blog while living on MCAS Iwakuni in beautiful Yamaguchi Prefecture in Western Japan from 8/2004 to present. My photo above is the famous Kintai Bridge right here in Iwakuni. Be sure to check out Blog Archive (below left) for highlights of our travels. And leave us a comment - we'd love to hear from you! Click on photos to enlarge.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Aki Basho (Autumn Tournament) in Tokyo! 9/19/11

I can't believe I'm holding actual tickets to a sumo tournament in Tokyo! Since Tokyo is the "home of sumo" - this is a REALLY big deal for me. I've been watching sumo on TV since 2004, but I've only attended one other tournament & that was in nearby Fukuoka a few years ago, closer to us, but on Kyushu Island. Stan went to a lot of trouble to get these tickets today and I'm VERY grateful. The elementary ET from Iwakuni Netra is also joining us. Who knew she likes sumo as well as I do?

On the train from Zama. It's more than an hour's trip to the Sumo Stadium in Tokyo. The new Tokyo Skytree is located nearby, but don't know if we will have a chance to visit that today. It's still under construction, but I really want to see it when it's all finished . . .

That sounds interesting, but not our train today . . .

Oh look! The men's toilet has blue lights & the women's has red!

Netra & Stan in the station.

Stan & Margie as sumo wrestlers at the station where the stadium is located. Aren't we cute?

It's about a 10-minute walk from the train station to the stadium, but it's a beautiful walk that winds through a lush park next to a museum. I like this stone statue being held up by a large turtle.

Beautiful manhole cover in the sidewalk depicts a cherry blossom.

Yikes! There are some of the rikishi (sumo wrestlers) walking inside that fence and I'm
VERY excited! Rikishi are HUGE celebrities in Japan . . .

This is the Yagura - a tower outside the entrance to a tournament, which is a holdover from ancient days. There's a taiko drum on top which is beaten to announce the tournament. I don't think I would enjoy climbing up there . . .

I can't believe we're actually here! Right over Stan's head (if you double-click it will enlarge) you can just see the top of Tokyo Skytree Tower.

Murals on the outside of the building to the left of the entrance.

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