Welcome to Margie & Stan's Japan Adventure - our photo blog while living on MCAS Iwakuni in beautiful Yamaguchi Prefecture in Western Japan from 8/2004 to present. My photo above is the famous Kintai Bridge right here in Iwakuni. Be sure to check out Blog Archive (below left) for highlights of our travels. And leave us a comment - we'd love to hear from you! Click on photos to enlarge.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Biking Around Iwakuni on a Sunday Afternoon

Stan's installed the new stuff on his bike. Thanks. Sherri! Now that the sun is out, we decide to go for sushi on our bikes. Posted by Picasa

Stan tries out his bike with his new stuff installed! Behind him are the townhouses near our mid-rise building. Posted by Picasa

The MCX is our base exchange -- kind of like a department store. There are mid-rise apartments like ours behind it. Posted by Picasa

A beautiful flower garden outside the "gate" (what we call going off-base into town.) Posted by Picasa

This is what cabbage roses look like when they're allowed to get tall & bloom. Posted by Picasa

Behind this chainlink fence was some kind of electrical stuff that we're not supposed to touch. The man's yellow hat has a green cross, which indicates anything related to medical. Posted by Picasa

Biking along a backroad by the lotus fields. Posted by Picasa

Parking deck? Posted by Picasa

No, actually it's the models in a car dealership so you can see what your model in your color will look like! (Stan's just pretending to look . . .) Posted by Picasa

Play area for children. Hmm, think their parents might stay longer and look at the new cars? Posted by Picasa

Even the car dealers have flowers outside their showrooms. Posted by Picasa

More flowers. Posted by Picasa

This is a small weeping cherry tree -- still blooming in this yard. Posted by Picasa

A beautiful flower garden outside someone's home near the sushi restaurant. Posted by Picasa

Our favorite sushi restaurant. Today we rode our bikes. It's about a 10-15 min bike ride from home. Posted by Picasa

One of our favorite sushi entrees. Posted by Picasa

Stan on a bridge on the way downtown. The retaining wall separates the sidewalk from the cars. Bikes ride on the sidewalk with the pedestrians. Motorcycles ride in the street (in a separate "bike" lane) with the cars. Posted by Picasa

Waterfront property with boat parking, along the Nishiki River. It's difficult to believe that the water came all the way up & flooded these homes last summer. Posted by Picasa

Looking down the sidewalk where we ride our bikes Posted by Picasa

Downtown Iwakuni Posted by Picasa

Stan outside Granpa's -- Ingrid & I eat lunch here quite often, but today is Sunday and they have a different special. Granpa's also has a bakery and floral shop. Posted by Picasa

This is the special at Granpa's today -- cake set with coffee. No picture, but we had a choice of A or B -- each had about 5 choices, and we both chose something chocolate. Posted by Picasa

Stan on the main street in downtown Iwakuni shopping district. We think the curved covers over the sidewalk mimic the Kintai Bridge. Posted by Picasa

A small flower grouping outside a closed business. Look how pretty the sidewalks are. Of course, this is where we ride our bikes. Posted by Picasa

The outside fire escape stairway on this hotel has a Japanese character on each level. Posted by Picasa